It’s #GivingTuesdayNow!

Be a champion for our students and help fund a Distance Learning Care Pack! This crisis has hit our students and families hard as the majority of them struggle in the best of times. We are working diligently to provide devices and internet services to ensure they stay connected and with your help we can also provide distance learning care packs to help them continue to learn and feel cared for during these difficult and uncertain times.
A donation of $24 will provide a Distance Learning Care Pack to one student and a donation of $240 will provide packs for an entire classroom!
Two Ways to Donate
#GivingTuesdayNow Page |
Donate on Website |
These packs will include: Mini-white boards for students to share their answers during virtual classrooms, saving our families money and conserving precious resources, journals as students do not have these at home, school supplies and basic food such as juice, crackers, fruit snacks as students would normally receive food school, arts and crafts and enrichment activities.
Show your support for our students this #GivingTuesdayNow!